Payday Filing

Information about payday filing has been available for some time, and IRD have been pro-active in contacting small employers, but a number of small charities and non-profits who will be affected still appear to be uncertain about it. Payday filing is currently voluntary but will be mandatory from 1 April Read more…

Social Enterprises

(Updated) “Social enterprises are businesses with a positive social or environmental impact. They aren’t “business-like” companies. They aren’t charities that make some money. They are businesses, period.” – Louise Aitken Akina Foundation We recently fielded a couple of questions about Social Enterprises. This is not an area in which we Read more…

NFP Newsletter

Please visit this page to view our recent newsletters.  Subscribe to receive our monthly updates  The newsletter is normally published on the last day of the month. The newsletter is not published for the month of January. The deadline is 25th of the month

Governing for Good

Governing for good: The joy and pain of not-for-profit governance Researcher Dr Jo Cribb has produced a report about the difficulties faced by not-for-profit boards in an economy of start-ups and listed companies. <Read a press release here> Dr Cribb’s report is <available here>