
In a recent post, Barry Baker advised that non-profit organisations should periodically review their policy documents. Following that post, we received a question about how policies should be presented. There is no right way to present a policy document and each organisation will have its own procedures. An organisation’s policy Read more…

Charities Beware!

Sue Barker, Director of SUE BARKER CHARITIES LAW www.charitieslaw.co recently issued the following message: “You will no doubt have seen the Minister’s proposals for charities law reform released last week: https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/charities-act-changes-benefit-nz-communities I personally believe they are an insult to the sector – they will do nothing to benefit New Zealand’s Read more…

PwC On Board

PwC On Board is a programme which “encourages our partners and staff to seek opportunities … to use their professional skills to give back to the community, broaden their governance knowledge and networks and contribute towards building more sustainable organisations in society.” The PwC Foundation offers a free on Board Read more…