What is a Community Foundation?
Community Foundations are relatively new in New Zealand, so what are they, and how do they work?
Community Foundations are relatively new in New Zealand, so what are they, and how do they work?
Council funding available for community organisations Rotorua Lakes Council is encouraging not-for-profit community groups to apply for the next round of community grants and partnership agreements. These funds are available once every three years and provide recipients with guaranteed annual funding for three years. Community grants are for small to Read more…
April 10 2018 marks the 50th anniversary of the loss of TEV WAHINE at the entrance to Wellington Harbour. The Auckland Seafarers Centre is holding a commemorative service in their chapel at 11.30am <details> and in Wellington the Wahine 50 Trust is holding a number of events commencing with a Read more…
Here at NFP Resource, we are always on the lookout for useful and interesting articles which we believe will be of help to the Nonprofit community. One that came across our desk recently was entitled: “Choices, Future & Communities: An honest reflection on the role of the Board in modern Read more…
There has been a lot of discussion about recent changes to the news feed on Facebook. We have received a number of enquiries about this subject and how the changes may affect non-profit groups such as charities. As none of us can be classed as FB experts, we have been researching Read more…
UPDATED A question frequently asked is “how many charities are there in NZ?” The enquirer is usually using the term ‘charity’ to include all manner of non-profit entities and it appears that no-one knows the answer for certain! The Charities Services website shows an updated count of the number of registered Read more…
Governing for good: The joy and pain of not-for-profit governance Researcher Dr Jo Cribb has produced a report about the difficulties faced by not-for-profit boards in an economy of start-ups and listed companies. <Read a press release here> Dr Cribb’s report is <available here>
Nominations are now open for the New Zealand Charities Technology Awards, organised by Techsoup NZ. Background The New Zealand Charities Technology Awards recognise the very best in technology innovation and technology service excellence from organisations and individuals in the New Zealand charitable sector. The Awards acknowledge the accomplishments of these organisations and Read more…
We were recently asked whether a co-opted member would/should have voting rights in the committee to which they were co-opted. Our immediate instinct was that if the person was good enough to be considered worth having on the committee, then their vote was also worth having! However, the question got Read more…
Ian Leader, MD of Local Works Ltd , recently wrote an interesting article which we are pleased to share here … New Zealand ranks right up there in the list of most generous countries. We give freely of our money and time. However, there is a growing trend towards new models Read more…
Countdown Supermarkets will give up to $120,000 to charities who work in the food rescue industry – groups which provide safe, unsold and unused food to Kiwis in need all around the country. The grants are given under the Countdown Food Rescue Partners Contestable Fund programme, launched by the chain Read more…
(Updated) In our discussions with those thinking about establishing a not-for-profit organization, it is apparent that there is still a lot of confusion about the terms ‘non-profit’, ‘not for profit’ etc. The various terms are used imprecisely and interchangeably, though the term ‘Registered Charity’ is used to refer to an organisation Read more…