Study of Governance in New Zealand

Massey People, Organisation, Work and Employment Research (MPOWER) Group researchers are studying the nature, opportunities for and challenges of governance roles in New Zealand through surveys in the following four sectors: charities, further education, higher education, and sports. Findings from the surveys will be aggregated and reported in research outputs. We will also compare the New Zealand survey findings with those from the same surveys conducted across c. 40 countries by our research colleagues at Henley Business School in the UK.

If you or your colleagues have a governance role(s), please click on the relevant survey link(s) below:

* Charities survey – role of trustees:

* Further education survey – role of the external governors:

* Higher education survey – role of the lay members:

* Sports governing bodies – role of the non-executive directors:

The survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete and your responses will remain anonymous. If you have any queries about the study or the survey, please email Professor Jane Parker at j.******@ma****.nz or Dr Nazim Taskin at n.******@ma****.nz.

This project has been evaluated by peer review and judged to be low risk. Consequently it has not been reviewed by one of the University’s Human Ethics Committees. The researcher(s) named in this document are responsible for the ethical conduct of this research. If you have any concerns about the conduct of this research that you want to raise with someone other than the researcher(s), please contact Prof. Craig Johnson, Director (Research Ethics), email hu*********@ma****.nz.