Sue Barker, Director of Sue Barker Charities Law has provided the following links to articles from the Legalwise seminars series: “10 election policies for charities”

Policy 1 – Press pause on the Charities Act changes (which was published before the change of Prime Minister)

Policy 2 – Widen eligibility for donee status:

Policies 3 and 4 – Public interest journalism and promoting amateur sport:

Policy 5 – Imputation credit refundability: and

Policy 6 – Protecting charities running businesses:

Policy 7 – Reinstate the Charities Commission:

Policies 8 and 9 – Unclaimed money and civil society strategy

Policy 10 – carrying out a proper, first principles, post-implementation review of the Charities Act

Readers may also be interested in the following discussion about the Charities Amendment Bill: