Update: 26 Oct 2022. Message from Steven Moe of Parryfield Lawyers “The Select Committee in charge of the Charites Amendment Bill agreed to our request to allow an extra month for charities to submit. This followed getting more than 120 signatures on the request from charities and peak bodies – thanks so much to all who were involved and supported it! We can advocate for change and see results! This means 9 December is the new date for submissions. More on key changes and how to submit is here. Also see below free events to upskill on changes to be aware of and submit on. I’m organising 4 calls in November about the Charities Bill. Already 40-50 have signed up for each of the events below – these will be calls to prep on issues in the Charities Bill and how to submit, and have reached out to my friends at both CAANZ and the IOD and organised a series of events through November to raise awareness and dive deeper into key topics – you can sign up now to one or all that interest you and feel free to forward this email on to others who may be interested: 8th November – An overview of the Bill and the really critical points, and also will be applying a legal issues lens 15th November – An Accounting and reporting issues lens in collaboration with CAANZ (Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand) with Zowie Pateman 22nd November – A Governance issues lens in collaboration with IOD (Institute of Directors in New Zealand)” -o0o- Update 19 October 2022 NFP Resource friend, and respected charities expert, Dave Henderson, notes that the Government is pressing on with its so-called ‘modernisation’ agenda. The Charities Amendment Bill 2022 is being considered by the Social Services and Community Select Committee. Submissions have been extended to 9 December 2022 -o0o- |
Sue Baker and Steve Moe hosted a zui (online Zoom meeting) on Friday 7 October for people interested in making a submission. 254 people signed up for the zui and Steven Moe notes that there is not much time left for submissions. Audio of the call is here and also if you prefer then a video of the call is now also embedded at the bottom of an article on what the key changes are, here Sparked by that Steven and Sue have created this very short letter requesting an additional month for charities to submit – if you click that link you can add your organisation name if you agree with this. Please add names by Friday 21st October and we will aim to send to the Select Committee on Monday 24th. Also, all the comments or questions asked during the session are all in the pdf attached with both responses from Sue and Steven. Other available resources include: The video and slides of Sue Barker’s Charities are Worth It presentation, Trust Democracy’s 13 July letter to Minister for the Voluntary and Community Sector expressing concerns about the proposed reforms and Trust Democracy’s 20 September letter to all MPs. Options for keeping up with the play include: – Sign up for updates at www.charitieslawreform.nz – Join the NZ Charity Law LinkedIn group – Join the Charities Act Review 2020 Facebook group. |
Succession Planning for Non-Profits: Preparing for Leadership Transitions
Leadership transitions are inevitable in any organisation, but for non-profits they can pose particular challenges. In New Zealand, where small non-profits and charities often depend on a few key individuals, the departure of a key Read more…