News and information for, about, and of interest to, NZ nonprofit organisations and charities
Note: Articles are selected for their topicality, for general information, and/or to stimulate thought or discussion. The Linking to an article or website on this page does not represent endorsement (or otherwise) of any views expressed.
The copyright of the sites to which we link is acknowledged.
- Victim Support ditching volunteers from July
- Government will change charity tax rules at its peril
- Strip Destiny’s charitable status? Turns out it’s not quite that simple
- Why an atheist academic changed her mind on churches’ tax status
- The viability of some charities could rest on how they’re taxed, we should be cautious about changing the rules – academics say
- Guilty plea to million-dollar fraud from Porirua charity
- Emma Cantrell: A shift in the perception of small charities is long overdue (UK)
- Should Canada’s religious charities lose tax status? Readers weigh in (CANADA)
- New report shows just 6% of wills contain charity bequests
- Private schools and Jehovah’s Witnesses: 550 rates-exempt Wellington properties
- Important training workshops for community groups
- With billions in ‘profit’ exempt from tax, changes to NZ’s charity rules are long overdue
- Labour MP calls for Destiny Church to lose its charity status
- How nonprofits abroad can fill gaps when the US government cuts off foreign aid
- Taxing charities’ business income would have ‘devastating’ impact on communities
- Opinion: Why charities should not support political parties
- Charities’ $2 billion in untaxed profits
- Opinion: Supreme Court matters: charities law and judicial social engineering
- Charity struck off for ‘significant failings’ after Stuff investigation
- Regulator to deregister Waipareira over political donations
- Comment – Taking the charity approach this Christmas – Diana Clement
- The show must go on for Canterbury StarJam crew
- Auditor-General damns Govt’s charity funding processes
- Is NZ’s charity clothing donation model broken?
- Blind Low Vision NZ admits it ‘slipped back’ with blind people in senior positions
- Government plans to review tax status of commercial charities and the NZ Super Fund but wants policy changes to be fiscally neutral
- Mike King’s charity I Am Hope accused of greenwashing over climate anxiety booklet
- Bay of Plenty non-profit organisations struggling for funding
- Auditor-General damns Govt’s charity funding processes – Bryce Edwards’ Political Roundup
- Permanent online home for charity lotteries
- Naomi Campbell admits failures at charity, denies misconduct amid financial scandal
- Government’s Gumboot Friday funding found to be ‘unusual and inconsistent’
- Business income and charities, you’re not off the hook just yet
- Opinion – In tough economic times, not-for-profit does not mean made for loss – Monique Forbes
- Online charity lotteries Bill passes first reading
- Mysterious charity with no accounts, website or physical presence under investigation after receiving $500,000 in grants – with no apparent results
- Auckland Muslim school caught up in receivership stoush involving warring charity and nearly $2 million in trust funds
- The mysterious and quiet closure of a once loud, proud charity
- Nicola Willis puts new Social Investment Agency at heart of Government
- Charities hope to share in $1.25 trillion of Baby Boomer wealth left behind in wills
- Where there is a will there is a way – Diana Clement
- Charity lotteries to be permitted to operate online
- Investigation into Waipareira political donations referred to Charities Registration Board
- Charities don’t fund political parties (opinion)
- Failed ‘Win a house’ raffle participants all refunded, charity leader says
- Arise Church on notice after charities probe (paywall)
- Rotorua Whakaora food charity makes seniors’ day after queue ‘pushing and shoving’
- The challenges faced by advocacy organisations seeking charitable status
- A New Programme Offering Planet-friendly Guidance For NZ’s Not-for-profits
- SBS Bank accused of betraying long-term customers
- Charity head is convicted fraudster and ex-bankrupt
- Employee stole from non-profit using credit card
- It’s not a scam, says win-a-house promoter
- A New Programme Offering Planet-friendly Guidance For NZ’s Not-for-profits
- All staff from charity Keep New Zealand Beautiful resign
- Charity behind ‘Win A House’ promotion not yet registered, using raffle money to buy house
- What Is Nonprofit Marketing? Definition, How It Works, and Types
- The Role of Brand in the Nonprofit Sector
- Community funding lacks transparency and accountability
- Māori non-profit organisation makes history at advertising awards
- Mental Health Foundation laying off 18% of staff, other charities also facing cuts
- NZ charities are in a “dire and reasonably existential” state – Lawyer
- Charities Act Amendments have implications for local charities
- Financial reporting resources for public benefit entities
- ‘Shameful’: Rage at proposed rent, fees increases of 240% for charities in Tauranga
- Financial reporting resources for public benefit entities
- New Zealand’s highest paid charity executives revealed
- Mentoring Support For Not-for-profit Organisations
- Sanitarium safe from charity crackdown
- The social return on investment for charities
- China’s revised charity law lacks incentives to spur donations despite ‘common prosperity’ drive
News items dated before 1 January 2024 are found here